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Udyam Registration Bulletin I
Udyam Registration Bulletin II
Udyam Registration Bulletin III
Udyam Registration Bulletin IV
Udyam Registration Bulletin V
Udyam Registration Bulletin VI
Udyam Registration Bulletin VII
Udyam Registration Bulletin VIII
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UDYAM REGISTRATION FORM - For New Enterprise who are not Registered yet as MSME
Aadhaar Verification With OTP
1. Aadhaar Number/ आधार संख्या
2. Name of Entrepreneur / उद्यमी का नाम
Aadhaar number shall be required for Udyam Registration.
The Aadhaar number shall be of the proprietor in the case of a proprietorship firm, of the managing partner in the case of a partnership firm and of a karta in the case of a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF).
In case of a Company or a Limited Liability Partnership or a Cooperative Society or a Society or a Trust, the organisation or its authorised signatory shall provide its GSTIN(As per applicablity of CGST Act 2017 and as notified by the ministry of MSME
vide S.O. 1055(E) dated 05th March 2021
) and PAN along with its Aadhaar number.
I, the holder of the above Aadhaar, hereby give my consent to Ministry of MSME, Government of India, for using my Aadhaar number as alloted by UIDAI for Udyam Registration. NIC / Ministry of MSME, Government of India, have informed me that my aadhaar data will not be stored/shared. / मैं, आधार धारक, इस प्रकार उद्यम पंजीकरण के लिए यूआईडीएआई के साथ अपने आधार संख्या का उपयोग करने के लिए सू0ल0म0उ0 मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार को अपनी सहमति देता हूं। एनआईसी / सू0ल0म0उ0 मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार ने मुझे सूचित किया है कि मेरा आधार डेटा संग्रहीत / साझा नहीं किया जाएगा।
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Activities (NIC codes) not covered under MSMED Act, 2006 for Udyam Registration