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Useful Documents
Udyam Registration Benefits
Site Highlights
Circulars & Orders
Udyam Registration Sample form
Udyam Registration Bulletin
Udyam Registration Bulletin I
Udyam Registration Bulletin II
Udyam Registration Bulletin III
Udyam Registration Bulletin IV
Udyam Registration Bulletin V
Udyam Registration Bulletin VI
Udyam Registration Bulletin VII
Udyam Registration Bulletin VIII
Print / Verify
Print Udyam Certificate
Verify Udyam Registration Number
Print UAM Certificate
Print UAM Application
Verify Udyog Aadhaar
Forgot Udyam/UAM No.
Update Details
Update/Cancel Udyam Registration
Officer's Login
EFC's Login
Udyami Login
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Udyami Login After Verification With OTP
1. Udyam Registration Number
Udyam should have first 5 letters, followed by one (-) after that 2 letters, followed by one (-) after that 2 digits, followed by one (-) and last 7 of numeric.
2. Enter Mobile (Filled in application)
Mobile no. should be of 10 digits must start with 9, 8, 7 or 6
3. Choose OTP Option
OTP on Mobile as filled in application
OTP on Email as filled in application
Instructions for Udyam Login
Enter your 19 digit Udyam Registration Number (i.e. UDYAM-XX-00-0000000).
Enter Mobile Number as filled in the Udyam application.
Choose any one option for OTP (One Time Password).
After clicking on 'Validate & Generate OTP' button, you will receive OTP on Selected Option.
Enter OTP and click on 'Validate OTP & Login' button.
Note :
With reference to Notification No. S. O. 2119(E) dated 26.06.2020 and further amended Notification No. S O. 1055(E) dated 05.03.2021, your information of Uydam Registration in respect of Investment, Turnover and Export of the Financial Year is needed to be updated on the Udyam Registration Portal for the MSME re-classification during every change of Financial Year. Then only you would be able to update Udyam Registration Certificate.